Sundays at 11:00am folks gather in the sanctuary for worship and at 9:30am for Bible study classes. Hope you will join us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
We invite you to come as you are. Our community is diverse and we celebrate the reflection of God's creation in each person. So, come as you feel most comfortable.
Where do I take my children?
Children are always invited to be a part of worship. We also have childcare available for ages 0-5 in our Children's Building. We also invite ages 4+ to come to Sunday School in the 4's Room just past the glass double doors on the left at 9:30am.
What style is your worship?
Our worship service is traditional. We are led in hymns by our choir, we have traditional liturgies, and encourage congregational participation in worship!
Generosity Giving
Putting God First In Living and Giving
All members are urged to experience the joy of giving and involvement and make their commitment to God, trusting in His grace. The sharing of your time, talents, and skills, helps fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ as we show our love to others.
We hope everyone will make a commitment to the stewardship campaign-Christian Generosity 2023. Financial pledge cards are available on the table in the Narthex and in the attendance books. Please fill out and place in the offering plate or drop it by the office.
6th Sunday after the Epiphany
For the week of: February 16, 2025
Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10
Pastoral Thoughts: "Living By Example"
Liturgist: Hensley Hayek
Ushers/Greeters: Ev Auster & Ricky Shaffer
For the week of: February 23, 2025
Pastoral Thoughts:
Liturgist: Amy Cole
Ushers/Greeters: Wanda Townsend & Julie Faller
For the week of: March 2, 2025
Pastoral Thoughts:
Liturgist: Robbie Schleicher
Ushers/Greeters: Jack & Rory Wills
Contact Robbie Schleicher 337-6321 or Amy Cole 235-1015
Ushers greet worshipers in the narthex before worship, pass out registration booklets, collect the offering during the offertory song or anthem and bring to the altar.
Thanks to all who were trained as Liturgists and Ushers/Greeters. If you are interested in serving, but couldn't make the training please get in touch with Amy Cole or Robbie Schleicher.