Part of the Great Commision that Jesus gives us is to make disciples of all nations. By studying God's word and through small group ministries, we take seriously the opportunities to grow in our Faith. We provide several opportunities each week for spiritual growth. Please consider the ways you might engage in deepening our trust in Christ. We feel that God leads us two directions at the same time; in-reach and out-reach. By simply opening our doors, we are glad that many different groups meet on our campus. Each of these groups serves the community in significant ways. Also, by serving outside our walls we actively engage people in the greater community. The following list represents the ways we hope to serve for God's glory.
Every Sunday morning from 9:30 - 10:30amWe have classes for adults to gather as we study God's Word. A Children's class & Youth serving as mentors are once again meeting at 9:45am each Sunday. Meet in the MDO wing off the Fellowship Hall for 9:45am. Check with Margaret Soskin or Robbie Schleicher for more information.
We hold the study
Every Sunday morning from 9:30 - 10:30amWe have classes for adults to gather as we study God's Word. A Children's class & Youth serving as mentors are once again meeting at 9:45am each Sunday. Meet in the MDO wing off the Fellowship Hall for 9:45am. Check with Margaret Soskin or Robbie Schleicher for more information.
We hold the study of scripture to be a vital way to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Part of our spiritual formation occurs with weekly opportunities for Sunday school, but we also offer seasonal studies of the Bible.
Tuesday night from 7:00 - 8:30pm at the home of TBA.
The Young Adult group will restart their meetings this fall. There will be time for fellowship and study. Please join us!
Please join us! If you need more information please contact Matt Callac--, the office 344-9100, or Robbie S.--
Two Block Parties for our neighborhood are held each year as a way to meet and get to know our Capital Heights community. On Wednesday, August 2nd we will have our Summer Block Party. We will have our annual Advent Celebration with games, crafts, food, and fellowship galore on Sunday, December 3rd from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. In case of rain
Two Block Parties for our neighborhood are held each year as a way to meet and get to know our Capital Heights community. On Wednesday, August 2nd we will have our Summer Block Party. We will have our annual Advent Celebration with games, crafts, food, and fellowship galore on Sunday, December 3rd from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. In case of rain, events will be held inside Fellowship Hall. Contact us if you would like to help or for more information 344-9100 or or
On the 6 Sundays, Feb. 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17, & 24. New on Sunday mornings @ 9:30am. A Lenten Study is happening.
We will be choosing a lenten study book in the near future. Robbie & Jennifer Manes and Robbie Schleicher will lead us though the scripture readings and reflections in the sanctuary. Let us know if you are interested in participating.
Opportunities on Ministry & Mission pages
As a congregation with a 75 year history, we deeply respect our adults. Our United Women of Faith and UMM form the most important way our adults gather for companionship. We also have our own Lunch Bunch group for non-daytime-working adults that has lots of fun together with outings for lunch once a month.
Contact: Phyllis Bright This ministry is for all ages that crochet or want to learn. Now meeting on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. The group makes items such as lap blankets, shawls, & hats, and now scarfs for military personnel and red hats for premies. Group might not be meeting every week during the summer months so check with the office 344-9100.
Requests: Contact Amy Cole 235-1015, Inez King 344-0016, or the church office 344-9100. Ingleside encourages the sharing of prayer requests so the pastor & prayer chain intercessors may pray for personal needs, the needs of others, & global needs.
AA meetings are held during the week. Meetings Tuesday 6:00pm; Thursday 6:00pm; Saturday 6:00pm meet in Fellowship Hall.
For Adults available during the day Opportunities for adult fellowship at lunch time on a weekday once a month. Contact Church Office 344-9100 or to be put on the email mailout list email us at .