One of the most celebrated and longest running ministries we hold dear is our Mother's Day Out program. Children from around our neighborhood come to Mother's Day Out at Ingleside. These little ones receive excellent care throughout the day and learn more about God's love each day.
Our children at MDO had so much fun this past year cruising through the alphabet each week. There was the day the FIRE TRUCK came and we got to climb inside & hear the loud siren. Also, we had so much fun making animals and things that represented each letter of the alphabet. During the spring the kids had an Easter Egg Hunt right before Easter and we hunted and collected all kinds of bugs. Then at the end of the year we had an Art Show where we showed off our spectacular art work that was done in each class!!!
If your child would like to have fun with us, we have room in the Babies (6-12 months) - Toddler1, Toddlers2, and our 3/4 year old class. Call us at 344-7400 or email us at
Fall/Spring MDO is taking registration at this time! We are so excited to start our new school year!
Registration Information for 2024-2025
Registration forms are available through the link below. Sign-in on the link and you will start the registration process. Then all forms will be sent to you for registration. You may contact our MDO office at 344-7400 or our church office: 344-9100 or come by @ 4264 Capital Heights Ave., 70806. The MDO Director will notify you about availability and/or your child's placement.
Fall/Spring 2024-2025 MDO Registration link and all other forms; such as, Supply List***
If you would like more information on enrollment for the upcoming school year, contact our director Margaret Soskin at or call the MDO office 225-344-7400 or church office 225-344-9100.
Babies through Fours. Please be sure that your child's lunch is in a plastic plate with a top on it. We do not heat up lunches so make sure you send edible-ready food. Food needs to be placed in a sectioned plate for easy access. We do not have enough time to open individual bags and items for 50 kids, so taking the top off of one container per child saves time. Also please provide a drinking cup for each child as appropriate. Thanks, Margaret
Fall/Spring sessions Registration began March 15th
Aug. 12th -First day of Fall Session
Sept. 2nd - Labor Day No School
Sept. 25th - Coffee & Conversation with parents & Director
Oct. 2nd - Debbie, Diane, & Dogs
Oct. 3rd - Donuts with Dads & GrandDads 9:30a
TBA -Visit from Fire Truck
Oct. 31st - Halloween Party
Nov. 18th-21st - Fall and Thanksgiving activities
Nov. 25th - 28th- Thanksgiving break - No School
Dec, 11th -Christmas Pageant and Birthday Party for Jesus
Dec. 17th - Last Day for Fall Session
Dec. 18th - 31st - No school (Christmas break)
Jan. 1st - 2nd - No school (New Years)
Jan. 6th - First day of Spring Session
Jan. 20th - No School (MLK Day)
Jan. 22th - Muffins with Moms & GrandMoms 9:30a
Feb. 11th - Pajama Day
Feb. 12th - EBR Police Dept. Mounted Patrol (tentative date)
Feb. 13th - Valentine card swap
Mar. 3rd-6th - Mardi Gras No School
Mar. 10th - Return to MDO
Mar. 12th Super Hero Dress Up Day
Week of Mar. 17th Registration for Fall & Summer begins
Mar. 18th Bring your favorite stuffed toy to school day
Apr. 2nd - Art Show 6-7pm
Apr. 13th - Waving Palm Branches @ 11am
Apr. 16th - Easter Egg Hunt-17th if wet
Apr. 21st - 24th - Easter/Spring Break No School
May 15th - Last Day for Spring Session
Jun. 3rd - First day Summer Session