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Check our service times, ways you can connect to our community, and ways you can serve. Most of all, come visit us on Sunday!
Check our service times, ways you can connect to our community, and ways you can serve. Most of all, come visit us on Sunday!
We have been worshipping together, but at a safe physical distance for many months now. Please note our return to worship time @ 11:00am. If you need more information please call the office at 344-9100 or email us inglesideumcla@bellsouth.net If you are unable to attend the in person service please connect with us on Facebook. If you are not on Facebook just join us using our link that is in the middle of this column on this webpage. No need to join to see our service. Click on video of posted service you would like to see. Live streaming will be the 11:00am service. We will enjoy each others presence while hearing Beth, David, and Katie singing the hymns and hearing the scripture based message from Pastor Lewis. Need more info call the church office at 344-9100.
Our Mother's Day Out program is accepting registrations for Fall/Spring 2024-25 now. All interested parents/caretakers should check out our MDO page for registration forms and call 344-9100 or 344-7400 if interested. Fall/Spring Sessions run 4 days a week from 9:30am-2:00pm. We have classes for 6 month thru 4 years olds. It is not too late to get your child/ren added.
Connect with us on Facebook
Calendar Click here for calendar activities through December 2024. This link is active now and we are adding new events every day.
Ingleside UMC's newsletter about missions, events, and activities. This link is active!
Harvest Brunch Community Meal --Sunday, October 6th @ noon
Ingleside UMC @ 4264 Capital Heights Avenue will host a Harvest Brunch meal for the Capital Heights neighborhood starting at noon Sunday, October 6th. There will be breakfast casseroles, fruit tray, apple cider, and pumpkin & banana nut breads. Tables will be set up in the Fellowship Hall Bring something if you'd like, but especially invite friends. Call our office if you have questions 344-9100.
T-shirts from Vacation Bible School Camp - Marketplace 29AD ----ARE READY!!!
VBS Camp was June 17th-21st, Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm. All the campers from PreK-4 to 5th graders and student volunteers 6th-12th graders had a blast. Everyone says it was our best camp EVER!!!
Adult volunteers are even making plans for next years camp, We will be doing some type of Marketplace again. If you are a crafter and like sharing your craft please get in touch with us. We are looking for crafters such as: basket weavers, candlemakers, jewelry makers, carpenters, etc. For more information contact our office at 344-9100 or Ev Auster at 284-3918. T-shirts may be picked up from the office 344-9100.
Bible Study on Sundays @ 9:30-10:30am
Pastor Lewis has begun our study based on the book of Revelations. Meet in the Capital Heights classroom at 9:30am for our lesson and discussion. For more information you may call our office: 344-9100.
Ladies of Ingleside --Wednesday, October 23rd from 5:15 - 6:30pm
All women are invited to join us for an evening of fellowship & Bible study on Wednesday, September 23rd from 5:15 - 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. "We will continue to listen to and discuss the podcast of Kelly Mintor. Bring a food item if you'd like, bring your drink for yourself, bring a friend, bring a love to learn the ways of God. Come!"
Super Ladies Luncheon was held Sunday, September 15th @ noon
Thirty-one women came and enjoyed lunch and leisurely conversation. It was a time to celebrate women and step back from the hustle & bustle. A ham, corn casserole, green bean casserole, salad, coconut cake, chocolate cake, roll, and beverage meal was provided for all women on Sunday, September 15th at noon. For more information about our next get-together you may call our office: 344-9100.
Men's Meeting on Monday, October 21st @ 6:00pm
United Methodist Men will meet Monday, October 21st in the fellowship hall. Fellowship time is from 5:30-6:00pm followed by their meal and devotional ending by 7:00pm.
Zoom Lectionary meeting on Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Please join us for a reading together of the lectionary scriptures to be used in Pastor Lewis' upcoming sermon every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm on Zoom. We will be following a Lectio Divina pattern in reading and discussing, as well as sharing prayer requests. Call or text Robert Manes at 225-288-1308 if you have any questions or need Zoom meeting ID and password.
HOPE Ministries volunteers Friday, October 18th @ 8:45am
Volunteers gather at HOPE Ministries food pantry on the 3rd Friday of every month. They assist the clients in choosing pantry items and aid by keeping the shelves stocked and in order. Speak to Judyor Deb or our office @344-9100 for more information,
Ingleside shirt/logo coming soon!
Ingleside shirt with church logo is now available. Sign up on one of the sheets in the narthex if you are interested in purchasing one or more. Indicate your size and color choice.
The back of the shirt will have the Bible verse from 1 Thessalonians 3:12 (NIV) with our church name. "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."
Join us at 11:00am for Sunday Worship (back to our usual time), with 9:30am Bible study class in the Capital Heights classroom led by Rev. Lewis. Our class is joining the Advent study for the Sundays through Christmas.
1 Thessalonians 3:12 (NIV)
"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."
Share your prayer requests with our pastor, Lewis Morris magnoliapoet@yahoo.com and/or prayer chain intercessors 344-9100 so they may pray for personal needs, the needs of others, and global needs.
Email: inglesideumcla@bellsouth.net
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