Please find the link to our calendar here.
See services on Facebook if unable to attend in person.
Tuesdays @ 1:30-5:00pm - All are welcome to help Days for Girls group assemble reusable feminine hygiene components for DfG kits upstairs in the Fellowship Hall @ 1:30-5:00pm every Tuesday, call 344-9100 for more information.
Wednesdays @ 5:00pm - Crochet Cancelled for the present time. Held in Capital Heights classroom more info call the office. Then @ 5:45pm - Bells Cancelled for the present time, and @ 7:00pm - Choir practice. Has started again.
Our Fall/Spring sessions are happening Mondays-Thursdays @ 9:30am - 2:00pm starting August 12th. A few spaces for Fall MDO are available. MDO registrations are being accepted at this time for the Fall/Spring sessions. Summer session runs Tuesdays - Thursdays. Contact MDO office @ 344-7400/ 344-9100 to get a registration form.
Ingleside UMC @ 4264 Capital Heights Avenue will be accepting monetary donations through Friday, November 15th for Flood Bucket items. The United Methodist Committee on Relief stores flood buckets year round to send out to any flood disaster on a moment's notice. After donations have been collected we have some volunteers ready to pack each bucket with the needed items. Then buckets will be transported to Baldwin, LA to the UMCOR depot for distribution. We thank you for any donation you can make for this mission. Call our office if you have questions 344-9100.
Pastor Lewis will begin our study based on the book of Revelations. Meet in the Capital Heights classroom at 9:30am for our lesson and discussion. For more information you may call our office: 344-9100.
All ladies are invited for lunch and conversation about missions. Soup and ham sandwich fixings, dessert, and beverage meal will be provided for all women on Sunday, February 16th at noon. For more information you may call our office: 344-9100.
All women are invited to join us for an evening of fellowship & Bible study on Wednesday, Merch 19th from 5:15 - 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. "We will be viewing and discussing the study entitled, "Jesus and Women, in the First Century and Now" by Kristi McLelland. We are on Chapter 3. Ev has copies if you would like one. Bring a food item if you'd like, bring your drink for yourself, bring a friend, bring a love to learn the ways of God. Come!"
United Methodist Men will meet on Monday, February 10th in the fellowship hall. Fellowship time is from 5:30-6:00pm followed by their meal and devotional ending by 7:00pm.
Please join us for a reading together of the lectionary scriptures to be used in Pastor Lewis' upcoming sermon every Thursday evening at 6:30pm on Zoom. We will be following a Lectio Divina pattern in reading and discussing, as well as sharing prayer requests. Please call or text Robert Manes at 225-288-1308 if you need the zoom meeting ID and password or if you have any questions.
Volunteers gather at HOPE Ministries food pantry on the 3rd Friday of every month. They assist the clients in choosing pantry items and aid by keeping the shelves stocked and in order. Speak to Judy or Deb or our office @ 344-9100 for more information,